What can be forecasted - introduction
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What can be forecasted - introduction

What can be forecasted easily?

daily electricity demand in 3 days’ time
Google stock price tomorrow
Google stock price in 6 months’ time
maximum temperature tomorrow
total sales of drugs in Australian pharmacies next month

Something is easy to forecast if:

we have a good understanding of the factors that contribute to it
there is a lot of data available
the future is somewhat similar to the past
ID assumption: samples are identically distributed
the forecasts cannot affect the thing we are trying to forecast.
self-fulfilling prophecies (election polls)
controlled systems

Dealing with uncertainty

Aleatoric (alea=latin for dice) or data uncertainty. This is the irreducible uncertainty that we cannot reduce by increasing observations.
simple case: homoscedastic (noise with fixed distribution)
y^=f(x,θ)+ϵ\hat{y} = f(x, \theta) + \epsilon 
ϵN(0,σI)\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma \mathbf{I})
more realistic case: heteroscedastic
ϵE(x)\epsilon \sim \mathcal{E}(x)
Epistemic (epistḗmē=science) or model uncertainty. This uncertainty can be reduced by increasing observed data, and as such, can be reduced

Aleatoric or epistemic uncertainty?


Another source of uncertainty: model choice

Model choice is another source of uncertainty, that can be mitigated by model selection. Unfortunately, it cannot correct ideological biases.

The M6 financial forecasting competition: 03-2022/ 01-2023

Its purpose is to shed new light on the EMH (Efficient Market Hypothesis) by explaining the poor performance of professionally managed funds
The competition committee made the following hypothesis:
There will be a weak link between the ability of teams to accurately forecast individual rankings of assets and risk-adjusted returns on investment

Decision-making and unforecastable signals

If some conditions are met, we can make informative decisions even if the underlying processes are not forecastable. Imagine you are a trader, which of the following signals you would like to forecast?
A pseudo-random binary signal
A noisy signal
One lucky realization