Time series, Analytics and Forecasting - Course Presentation
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Time series, Analytics and Forecasting - Course Presentation

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence - 3rd semester

Course objectives

The course objectives are to learn the theory and practice of time series forecasting. At the end of the course you'll be able to answer these questions:
what can be forecasted and with which accuracy?
what methods can be used to forecast time series, and which one should I use?
how can I take optimal decisions based on probabilistic forecasting?


Course Meeting Times

3 session / week, 2 hours / session, 4.0 ECTS


basic knowledge of python
basic knowledge of calculus and analysis

Teaching materials

free textbook: Forecasting: principles and Practice R.J. Hyndman, G. Athanasopoulos
additional reading materials

Assignments and Evaluation

group works: evaluated but not part of final mark
20%: mini challenge: forecasting pipeline for a single time series. Groups allowed
80%: final project: complex forecasting task. Groups allowed (same as mini challenge) + oral exam


Lesson (2h)
Exercise (2h)
Group works (2h)
Time series - starter pack and visualization
• Introduction - What can be forecasted? • Time series visualization • Embeddings • Diagnostic plots for point and probabilistic forecasts
Time series graphics & review of Fourier decomposition
Forecasting with Fourier transform
What can be forecasted
• correlation, ACF and random walks, stationarity and forecastability spectral, approximate, sample entropy. • static benchmark models (persistent, conditional mean), residual analysis, linear
Naive models coding
Benchmark models and bootstrapped scenarios
Stationarity and forecasting assumptions
• STL decompositions, spectral analysis • differentiation, log, box-cox transform • removing closed-loop effects • anomaly detection in TS • data imputation for TS
STL decomposition for forecasting
Outlier detection methods: boxplots, sigma filters, conditional means, forecasting
State Space models
• Exponential smoothing family • Variance computation of SS models under NID assumption • connection between SS models and stateless models
SS models and input-output maps - ES implementation
mini-challenge: single time series forecasting pipeline
Hierarchical forecasting
• bottom up • optimal reconciliation • probabilistic hierarchical forecasting
Introducing the final project
flipped classroom preparation
Advanced forecasting models
• AR, ARIMA, ARIMAX advanced models (random forests, gradient boosting, NNs for forecasting) • case studies: amazon and uber forecasting pipelines
ARX implementation and comparison with advanced models
flipped classroom: presentation of an advanced topic Hierarchical forecasting
Probabilistic forecasting & scenario generation without NID assumption
• quantile regression, conformal predictions, bootstrap • scenario generation for single and multi-output models
Conformal prediction vs bootstrap
final project
TS model selection and validation
• dealing with data scarcity • CV for time series and hyperpar tuning, examples of spillage • Diebold-Mariano and Nemenyi tests. Bonferroni correction
Purged k-fold CV
final project
Decision under uncertainty
• single stage decisions • scenario optimization
Maximum force off times for a heat pump
final project
Decision under uncertainty
• stochastic tree optimization
stochastic control of a battery
final project

Lorenzo Nespoli - lecturer

Msc PoliMi - Energy Engineering
PhD EPFL - Forecasting and Control
Researcher SUPSI, NCCR automation member - Demand side management projects, Neural & data driven control
Research Scientist, Co-founder Hive Power - forecasting and control algorithms